Why does Kingdom Seekers have service on Saturdays instead of Sundays?

The purpose of Kingdom Seekers’ worship services taking place on Saturdays is two-fold.  First according to Jewish culture the Sabbath would have been observed on Saturday rather than Sunday.  In modern times, worship on Saturdays breaks away from the tradition of the first-century church of worship services being held on Sundays.  Secondly, we desire to bring balance back to the lives of God’s people. By worshipping on Saturdays, people now have the opportunity to rest, spend time with family and enjoy the day before returning to the work week.  Additionally some people work on Sundays which provides them a worship alternative by attending services on Saturdays.

What is the attire for service?

People spend more time focusing on clothes than on worship.  Kingdom Seekers has casual worship services. 
You are welcome to come as you are.  (We just ask for you to be respectful.)

I have never accepted Christ.  How do I?

Romans 10:9 says “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”.  If you make this confession, then you will be saved.  Contact us at the church or see us after service for us to pray with you and lead you in the confession for salvation.

How do I join Kingdom Seekers?

You can either join prior to the conclusion of service.  You can see one of the ministers/elders following service. Or you can fill out Contact Us page on the website stating you are interested in connecting with the church.

Can I participate in a ministry or volunteer at the church prior to joining?

Yes, we welcome volunteers at Kingdom Seekers. We invite people to participate in events at the church.
Note: There are certain classes or functions in which only members can lead due to liability issues.
If you have any questions or concerns not addressed here, please email us at info@kingdomseekerscc.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kingdom Seekers Community Church © 2015
